
Environmental Health Effects For Living Things

Environmental Health Effects For Living Things

Environmental Health knows that poor air quality can be harmful to human health, but what about the environment? A study by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reported that increased levels of ozone in our atmosphere can “contribute to a number of adverse health effects for living things.” In the same study, it stated that “ozone exposure is associated with respiratory symptoms and lung function decrements even at relatively low concentrations.”

In this article, we will talk about how ozone affects animals and plants in different ways so you can make better decisions to protect both yourself and your surroundings. Let’s first take a look at some common facts:

Global Warming

Global warming is a long-term rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s climate system. Global warming has been caused by human activity, primarily the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.

Global Warming Environmental Health Effects:

  • Increases in temperature can cause heat waves, droughts, wildfires and other extreme weather events that lead to loss of life and property damage.
  • Rising sea levels from melting icecaps could result in flooding coastal areas with salt water which would contaminate fresh water supplies for drinking & irrigation purposes as well as cause problems with wildlife habitats such as coral reefs & oyster beds which depend on clean fresh water to survive.
  • Changes in temperature and precipitation patterns can cause outbreaks of infectious diseases such as malaria, cholera, and dengue fever. Changes in the distribution of mosquitoes that carry these diseases may result in a greater risk of disease transmission, especially in areas where people do not have access to clean water or medical treatment.

Tailpipe Emissions

The exhaust fumes from cars and trucks contain sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and other chemicals that can affect the respiratory system. These pollutants cause asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema. In addition to these health problems, they also increase the risk of heart disease, lung cancer, and other serious illnesses.

The effects of air pollution are not limited to humans. Air pollution can cause damage in forests and crops, which can lead to decreased agricultural output. It also impacts aquatic life by increasing acidity levels in rivers and lakes, thereby harming fish and other aquatic organisms.

Air pollution has negative effects on many aspects of our lives. Although we cannot control the amount of pollution generated by industries, cars and trucks, we can work to reduce it.

Oil Spills Along Shorelines and Coastlines

Oil spills can cause health problems for humans, kill wildlife, and damage ecosystems. Oil spills are a huge problem for the environment because they are toxic to all living things.

Oil spills along shorelines and coastlines have many environmental health effects that can be devastating to marine life, including fish and birds; as well as terrestrial animals such as mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. Oil spills are a major problem for the environment because they can kill marine life, contaminate land and water and cause other problems. They also have effects on people’s health. Oil spills are a major environmental problem because they can kill marine life, contaminate land and water and cause other problems. They also have effects on people’s health.

Can Be Damaged by The Actions of Humans

The Environmental Health Effects is being damaged by human actions, and the health of humans can be affected by the environment. This is happening in two ways:

  • The first way is that the environment has been polluted with chemicals and other substances which are harmful to all living things. These pollutants can cause damage to plants, animals and humans if they are present for too long or at high levels. For example, some pesticides have been found to cause cancer in people who work with them regularly (like farmers). These chemicals also may be stored in our bodies for many years after coming into contact with them; so even if you don’t use pesticides yourself now because you’re not a farmer anymore but used to farm when you were younger – those chemicals still exist inside your body!
  • The second way is that global warming affects both animals and humans because we share similar environments where climate change effects everyone equally no matter where you live on earth (i.e.: warmer temperatures = less snowfall = less water available).


The environmental health effects can be damaged by the actions of humans. The global warming, tailpipe emissions and oil spills along shorelines and coastlines are some of the major threats that we face today. These issues need to be taken seriously so that we can find solutions for them before it’s too late.